Seminário Internacional Convergências – pesquisa artística e práticas experimentais, UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Porto Alegre. [in English with Portuguese translation]
Performance: Dramaturgie der Signale (15.02.2018)
Works in progress by Media Students at the Medientheater of Humboldt University, Berlin. Directed by Stefan Höltgen & Florian Leitner.
Panel Discussion: Rakı prinzip No. 4 #ANGST (25.08.2017)
Performance: Konzept Medientheater III (18.07.2017)
Talk: “Remediating Painting. Absolute Movement in Clouzot’s ‘Le mystère Picasso’” (01.06.2017)
Article: “Di robot e tartarughe”
In: Elio Grazioli, Riccardo Panattoni (ed.), Live. Intensità, intermittenza, registrazione (Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali, 2017), 106-125.
Performance: Konzept Medientheater II (14.02.2017)
Article: “‘Whatever I Photograph, I Always Lose.’ Images of Death and Configurations of Time in ‘Peeping Tom’ and ‘Vacancy’”
Talk: “Images of Absolute Movement” (03.11.2016)
The Real of Reality. International Conference on Philosophy and Film, ZKM Karlsruhe. [AVAILABLE ONLINE: audio]