Fiktionseffekte – Mediale Praxen zwischen Realität und Fiktion, Forschungskolloquium, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
Nominated for Deutscher Studienpreis
My dissertation Medienhorror – Mediale Angst im Film / Media Horror – Media Anxiety in Films has been nominated for the final round of the Deutscher Studienpreis. (Updated press releases below.)
Talk: “The Immersed Self – Visual Reflections on Contemporary Subjectivity” (05.07.2014)
Aisthesis Program: summer 2014
Talk: “Traveling – Bewegte Kameras zwischen Bio- und Anthroposphäre” (12.03.2014)
Talk: “What Is It Like to Be a Robot? How Machines See the World” (22.02.2014)
Screening-Lecture-Performance: WATCH WRITE ACT (08.02.2014)
Article: “On Robots and Turtles: A Posthuman Perspective on Camera and Image Movement after Michael Snow’s ‘La région centrale’”
In: Discourse. Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 35.2 (2013), 263-277. (= Special issue Motion Pictures: Politics of Perception, ed. Marta Zarzycka/Bettina Papenburg.) (Peer-reviewed.)
[AVAILABLE ONLINE via the journal's homepage or Project Muse]