International Workshop
10-13 July 2018
Medientheater at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Georgenstr. 47, Raum 0.01
Throughout the last five semesters, the works developed and presented in the Medientheater at Humboldt-Universität (HU) have taken a radically open perspective. Rather than being based on a predefined notion of “media theater” they have repeatedly raised a question: What could “media theater” be(come)?
This question is now being addressed in the ongoing collaboration of the Medientheater and the Cinema and Arts Spaces at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The project started in March 2018 with workshops in Porto Alegre and São Paulo, and continues this July with a workshop in Berlin. Within our joint research we are examining the variety of insights that remain inaccessible to purely theoretical forms of research, but can be gained from an artistic involvement with the culture and technology of historical and contemporary media.
The notion of the scene that is central to this approach: whereas scholarly knowledge emerges from a discourse of propositions, the a priori of aesthetic knowledge can be defined as the scene— broadly understood as a temporal and spatial configuration that can be apprehended instantly by human perception and onto which the effects of dispersed hybrid actor-networks that coordinate social interactions and subjective experiences are projected.
Against this background, the upcoming workshop at the Medientheater will not only provide the opportunity to discuss the topic of aesthetic knowledge, but also to recall various Scenes of Media Theater and reflect on the work accomplished in the Medientheater during the last two and a half years.
Tuesday, 10 July
16:30 Welcome
17:00 Presentation: Student Projects in Media Art from USP Marcus Bastos, Daniela Kutschat Hanns (USP)
18:00 Keynote: How Beautiful it is! Dance and Soccer Music Patricia Moran (USP)
20:00 Screening: France vs. Belgium
Wednesday, 11 July
12:30 Presentation: — The New Website of the Medientheater at HU
Thursday, 12 July
10:00 Panel: Perspectives on Media and Theater I Marcus Bastos (USP), Cornelia Lund & Holger Lund (Fluctuating Images), Camille Laurent & Stefanie Egedy
14:00 Panel: Perspectives on Media and Theater II Daniela Kutschat Hanns (USP), Marcia Moraes (The White Rabbit)
16:00 Student Short Films from USP Patricia Moran (USP)
17:30 Student Projects from the Medientheater at HU João da Mata: Um Präsenz zu gewinnen, Karen Dohr: Money Talks, David Friedrich: Theremin for the Deaf, Malte Schulze: Oscilloscope Music
Friday, 13 July
20:00 Partner Event: Performance at SPEKTRUM | art science community, Bürknerstr. 12, Berlin - Camille Laurent & Stefanie Egedy: CORPORAL MECHANISM
Organization: Florian Leitner
A workshop of the joint research project “Medientheater at HU and the Cinema and Arts Spaces at USP: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Scenic Knowledge”, supported by the Joint Projects Grant in the Profile Partnership between Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Universidade de São Paulo. (Principal investigators: Patricia Moran, USP & Florian Leitner, HU.)